Personal Update – Graduation, Good News, and Future Plans

Today, as I sit on the train to Waterloo, drinking my coffee and listening to the best of The Doors, I do so in sort of a nervous excitement. I do so because ten days from today, I will be graduating from my Undergraduate degree from the University of Reading. My plan was, as my friends reading this will likely know, was to enter into the study of Law, beginning my GDL at the College of Law, Guildford in September. However, things have changed.

They’ve changed because, as I had hoped but nevertheless to my surprise, I will be graduating with a First. More surprising, however, was that I managed to graduate with two awards – firstly, for best dissertation and, secondly, for best overall performance, carrying on that achievement from the year prior. Of course, I’m over the moon that my work has paid off with such results.

But the reason for my nervous excitement – I’ve been awarded the grant to study an Ma in History at the University in the year to come. Of course, I already had a plan. I even had my place in Guildford secured (and more importantly for my rather poor bank account, had my deposit already paid!). But I love history; I have always loved history. It’s what I enjoy doing, and so – whilst I’m sure I would love law too, and will likely carry on to enter into the GDL once my Masters degree is complete – a free year of furthering my history studies is simply too good to turn down.

So that’s what I’ll be doing. Another year of history. I’m excited!

Tim V

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